Pizza Hut Japan’s new pizza will only be available when cherry blossoms bloom

Pizza Hut Japan will be releasing a new pizza across Japan based on when cherry blossoms start appearing in each local area.

The new “Sakura Front Campaign” runs from Wednesday, March 19th, to Thursday, May 8th, 2025.

This campaign centers around the regionalized release of a new pizza, the “Cheese Roll: Half and Half of Plenty of Cheese Teritama Pizza/Melty Carbonara Pizza” which will be made available in specific regions of Japan in alignment with the progression of the cherry blossom front.

The “cherry blossom/sakura front” is a meteorological term used in Japan to describe the northward progression of cherry blossom blooming, which is closely monitored and widely anticipated each spring.

The pizza will become available in each are of Japan as the cherry blossoms start to bloom

The new pizza utilizes Pizza Hut Japan’s “Chichichi Cheesy Roll” dough, a pizza crust variant characterized by its cheese-filled rolls.

The “Chichichi Cheesy Roll” dough has a crust formed by individual rolls filled with cheese.

The pizza also comes with a honey maple syrup dip, intended for dipping the cheese-filled crust.

The “Cheese Roll: Half and Half of Plenty of Cheese Teritama Pizza/Melty Carbonara Pizza” is a dual-flavored pizza offering two distinct topping combinations:

The “Plenty of Cheese Teritama Pizza” half features a combination of fluffy eggs and sweet and spicy chicken.

The “Melty Carbonara Pizza” half includes bacon and a creamy carbonara sauce.

The new pizza features two different toppings on each half

The pizza is available exclusively in a large size and can be purchased for 2,120 yen for takeout (approx. $14.23 USD / £10.98 GBP) or 3,030 yen (approx. $20.34 USD / £15.70 GBP) for delivery.

For delivery orders, there will be no additional charge delivery.

It will be available exclusively through the Pizza Hut official website and app, via a dedicated webpage.

It can also only be purchased by customers who use a special coupon code.

As the “Sakura Front Campaign” is structured around the concept of aligning the pizza’s availability with the seasonal progression of cherry blossom blooming across Japan, each region will have different availability as follows:

Regional Sales Periods and Coupon Codes

  • Kyushu and Okinawa: March 19th – April 8th
    • Takeout: hajimaru873T
    • Delivery: hajimaru873D
  • Chugoku, Shikoku, and Kansai: March 24th – April 13th
    • Takeout: kitazo873T
    • Delivery: kitazo873D
  • Chukyo and Kanto: March 28th – April 17th
    • Takeout: iyoiyo873T
    • Delivery: iyoiyo873D
  • Hokuriku, Koshinetsu, and Tohoku: April 4th – April 24th
    • Takeout: tsuini873T
    • Delivery: tsuini873D
  • Hokkaido: April 18th – May 8th
    • Takeout: omatase873T
    • Delivery: omatase873D

Source: Pizza Hut Japan

Images: © Pizza Hut Japan Ltd.

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