The Yakuza game series, known in Japan as Ryu ga Gotoku, is no stranger to collaborations. With recent team ups including a themed sake, another new collaboration is set to start on the 8th of December.
Sanrio's beloved character, Hello Kitty, is teaming up with the global lifestyle brand Kate Spade New York for a special holiday collection.
Fans of Jujutsu Kaisen based in Japan can celebrate Christmas with their favorite characters this year, with a new collection of themed cakes by Priroll, a company who specialise in officially licensed sweets and desserts.
Free things to do in Tokyo can be hard to come by, but travellers often overlook the cities many flea markets that take place across the city most weekends.
As the night closes in earlier throughout winter, some of Tokyo's most recognisable areas are transformed into illuminated winter wonderlands offering visitors some stunning photo spots.
Spending the holiday season in Tokyo offers the opportunity to take in some of the best Christmas Markets in Japan, with some of the city's most iconic attractions serving as the backdrop.
Japanese eyewear brand Zoff are teaming up with Jujutsu Kaisen to release 5 pairs of themed glasses, based on some of the series most popular characters.
500 Japanese anime fans were drafted in by internet research company NEXER Co. Ltd to cast their votes for the coolest swordsman in anime - so, who was voted number 1?
Universal Studios Japan have announced that a new area themed on the globally popular Donkey Kong will open on Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
The new KIRBY CAFE WINTER 2024 menu will be available from the 13th November 2024 to March 4th 2025 at the Tokyo and Hakata branches of the cafe, whilst the Kirby Cafe in Osaka will run the new menu from the 15th January 2025 to the same end date.