Pickpockets caught on camera in Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market

Japan is often perceived as a remarkably safe country, with incidents of petty crime, such as pickpocketing, relatively uncommon.
Unfortunately, incidents involving foreign nationals have been highlighted by Japanese media recently, as cases of shoplifting, voyeurism and even prostitution have all hit the headlines.
In another case that is sure to damage reputations of foreigners in Japan, two pickpockets were inadvertently caught red-handed by a streamer in Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market.

Though the original fish market was closed in 2018, Tsukiji Market remains a popular destination for tourists as it has retained a reputation as one of the must visit spots for food in the city.
The incident occurred whilst the Brazilian streamer was filming a review of food they had bought from an establishment in Tsukiji Market.
After reviewing their footage, they realised they had unwittingly filmed a crime in progress, with the actions of two individuals on the film appearing to show them stealing an item from the bag of what was likely an unsuspecting tourist.
Based on the video evidence, it seems that there were two people involved in the theft, both of which were following the victim closely.
The man appears to cover his hand before placing it inside the bag of the victim and removing a purse or wallet. The woman behind the same man appears to be watching his movements and very much appears aware of what is taking place.
As the woman does not notify the victim, and as she also appears to be wearing an almost identical black cap, it can be assumed that she is in on the scheme.
Both perpetrators are likely part of an organised group targeting tourists who may have let their guard down due to Japan’s reputation as a safe place to visit.

Pickpockets can often be seen to work in groups or pairs, as this provides them protection if they are challenged by victims or other members of the public. In the case the pickpocket is noticed, other members of their group seek to cause a distraction to allow the pickpocket to make a getaway.
The two pickpockets do not appear to be Japanese nationals, so this incident will likely be chalked up by national media to organised criminals entering Japan under the guise of tourism – something which has become a hot topic in recent times.
The presence of video evidence will hopefully allow police to swiftly identify the two offenders and hopefully return any property taken to their rightful owners.
Fortunately, Japan is statistically safer than most other countries in the world to visit and whilst instances of petty crime are lower than average, tourists and locals alike should still maintain vigilance of their surroundings and personal belongings at all times.
Japanese Immigration authorities can surely ID the suspects with such clear footage?