Yokohama to hold 4 month long floral festival

Yokohama is set to host “Garden Necklace Yokohama 2025”, a floral and horticultural event designed to showcase the city’s greenery.

A series of events will run from Saturday, March 19th to Sunday, June 15th, 2025.

Yokohama will host a series of floral events as part of Green Necklace Yokohama 2025

This event, sponsored by Yokohama City and operated by the Garden Necklace Yokohama Executive Committee, aims to connect various locations within the city through a metaphorical “necklace” of flowers and greenery.

Garden Necklace Yokohama is an annual event that first took place in 2017 to promote Yokohama as a “Garden City”.

Yokohama Rose Week is one of the events taking place

The event focusses on a series of flowers that bloom in sequence, including cherry blossoms, tulips, and roses, across multiple locations, such as the Minato Area and Satoyama Garden, which boasts one of Yokohama’s largest flowerbeds.

A key part of “Garden Necklace Yokohama” is the “Yokohama Flower & Garden Festival 2025”, one of Japan’s major gardening events, which is scheduled from May 3rd to 5th, 2025.

Tulips have been planted across the Minato area

This festival will feature a main exhibition designed by garden designer Keiko Yoshitani, displays by gardening professionals, exhibitions of new floral varieties, hands-on activities for children, wooden toy booths, and retail opportunities.

In conjunction with the floral displays, a culinary event called “Hana Aji Ezu” will take place from March 19th to June 15th, 2025.

This event will highlight restaurants throughout the city that are offering flower and greenery-themed dishes and beverages.

The event also extends to Satoyama Gardens

Participating establishments will cover a variety of culinary styles, such as Japanese, Western, and Chinese cuisine, as well as cafes and bars.

Horticultural designer Masashi Mikami has been appointed as the event ambassador for Garden Necklace Yokohama and will be involved with promoting the event and engaging with visitors, alongside the events mascot character “Garden Bear”.

Garden Bear is the official mascot of the event

The full list of events taking place as part of Garden Necklace Yokohama 2025 are as follows:

Minato Area Flowers

The Minato Area, known for its harbor scenery, will feature displays of seasonal flowers including:

  • Cherry blossoms (late March to early April): Locations include Sakura Street, Kishamichi, and the Yamate area
  • Tulips (early to mid-April): Locations include Yokohama Park, Yamashita Park, and Shinko Central Square
  • Roses (early to late May): Locations include Yamashita Park, Minato no Mieru Park, and Yokohama English Garden

Satoyama Garden Festa

The “Great Flower Bed Colored with Yokohama Flowers” will showcase approximately 200,000 flowers of 110 varieties, as well as 150 cherry trees.

The theme for spring 2025 is “Harukaze no Oka”.

  • Dates: March 19th to May 6th
  • Location: Adjacent to Yokohama Zoo Zoorasia

Yokohama Flower & Garden Festival

  • Dates: May 3rd to 5th
  • Location: Pacifico Yokohama Exhibition Hall A & B
  • Admission: Advance ticket 1,500 yen, same-day ticket 1,800 yen, free for junior high school students and younger
  • Official Website:

Yokohama Rose Week

  • Dates: May 3rd to June 15th
  • Locations: Various rose gardens throughout Yokohama

Hana Aji Ezu – Yokohama Gourmet Map

  • Dates: March 19th to June 15th
  • Locations: Various cafés, restaurants and bars throughout Yokohama

Event Details

calendar_month DATE Mar 19 2025 - Jun 15 2025
schedule TIME ALL DAY
payments Cost FREE
info Website Official Website
location_on Location Various
map Area Kanagawa Yokohama
category CATEGORY Festival Gardens

Source: Official Website

Images: © Yokohama City, Yokohama Flower & Garden Festival 2025 Executive Committee

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