
Akita Prefecture, gracing the northwestern coast of Japan’s Honshu Island, offers a blend of natural beauty and historical significance.

Bordered by the Sea of Japan on one side and a mountainous interior on the other, Akita boasts a distinct character shaped by its geography and cultural heritage.

Nature enthusiasts will find Akita a haven. The UNESCO World Heritage Site, Shirakami-Sanchi, encompasses pristine beech forests teeming with diverse wildlife.

Hikers can explore designated trails, while observation areas allow visitors to appreciate the region’s untouched beauty. Mount Chokai, the prefecture’s highest peak, beckons climbers with its challenging slopes and breathtaking panoramas. Winter transforms Akita into a wonderland, with the city of Yokote earning its nickname “Snow Country” due to its heavy snowfall. This unique winter landscape attracts skiers and snowboarders seeking pristine slopes.

History buffs will appreciate Akita’s numerous cultural treasures. Kakunodate Samurai District, a beautifully preserved town, offers a glimpse into Japan’s feudal past. Lined with traditional wooden houses with imposing gabled roofs, Kakunodate transports visitors back in time. Kubota Castle, another prominent landmark, showcases the architectural prowess of the Edo period.

Akita boasts a rich agricultural heritage, renowned for its production of high-quality rice. Visitors can explore charming rural landscapes dotted with rice paddies and sample the region’s acclaimed sake, brewed using pure mountain water and local rice varieties. Akita is also famous for its succulent Noshiro melons, known for their sweetness and juicy flavor.

Festivals play a significant role in Akita’s cultural life. The Namahage festival, a UNESCO World Heritage ritual, is a unique spectacle. During this festival, men dressed in demon-like costumes visit homes, warding off bad luck and offering blessings for the coming year. The Kanto Festival, held in February, features illuminated paper lanterns paraded through the streets, creating a mesmerizing display.

Akita Prefecture offers a compelling combination of natural wonders, historical sites, and vibrant cultural traditions. From its majestic mountains and pristine forests to its charming towns and lively festivals, Akita promises an unforgettable experience for any visitor seeking a deeper connection with Japan’s rich heritage and stunning landscapes.

Top Places to Visit in Akita Prefecture

Nagoya Castle


Known for its well preserved samurai district.         

Inuyama Castle


Relax in local hot springs after exploring this mountainous region.

Inuyama Castle


Hot spring resort with a cluster of seven traditional ryokan inns.

Shirakami Sanchi


Historic city known for its annual snow hut festival.



Annual festival which transforms the city of Yokote.



Prefectural capital, home of the annual Kanto festival.