
Nagasaki Prefecture, situated on the western tip of Kyushu Island, offers a captivating blend of historical significance, natural beauty, and harmonious cultural experiences.

History enthusiasts can delve into the city of Nagasaki, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a major trading port for centuries. Explore the well-preserved Glover Garden, a collection of Western-style residences showcasing the city’s international past.

Beyond the city, Nagasaki Prefecture boasts stunning natural landscapes. Hike the volcanic slopes of Mount Unzen, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, or unwind in the rejuvenating hot springs of Shimabara Peninsula. The prefecture also offers a glimpse into Japanese religious traditions. Visit the Nagasaki Shinmei Shrine, dedicated to the goddess of Amaterasu, or explore the serene temple complex of Sotome Kiyomizu-dera.

Whether seeking historical immersion, outdoor adventures, or a taste of Japanese culture, Nagasaki Prefecture offers a multifaceted and rewarding experience for curious travelers.

Top Places to Visit in Nagasaki Prefecture



A vibrant port city with a complex history.


A meticulously recreated Dutch-inspired theme park.



Explore the atmospheric ruins of the Dutch Trading Post.

Mount Unzen


Explore volcanic landscapes and relax in hot springs.

Goto Islands


A tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of mainland Japan.