
Aomori Prefecture, situated at the northern tip of Japan’s Honshu Island, boasts a unique identity shaped by its geographic location, historical significance, and cultural heritage. Bordered by the Pacific Ocean, the Tsugaru Strait, and the Sea of Japan, Aomori offers a stunning coastline alongside a mountainous interior.

This prefecture is renowned for its apple production, earning it the moniker “Japan’s Apple Orchard.” During harvest season, visitors can experience the joy of picking crisp apples directly from the orchards. Aomori’s agricultural prowess extends beyond apples, with rice cultivation flourishing in the western region, while the east specializes in dry grains and potatoes.

Aomori’s historical significance is evident in its numerous cultural treasures. Hirosaki Castle, a prominent landmark, is considered one of Japan’s finest remaining feudal castles. Visitors can marvel at its imposing architecture and serene gardens, particularly during the spring cherry blossom season when the castle grounds transform into a breathtaking spectacle.

The UNESCO World Heritage Site, Shirakami-Sanchi, encompasses pristine beech forests, showcasing the region’s rich biodiversity. The scenic coastline offers opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and exploring hidden coves. During winter, the Hakkoda Mountains transform into a snow paradise, attracting skiers and snowboarders from across the globe.

The Nebuta Matsuri, held in early August, is a highlight. This dynamic festival features vibrant floats adorned with mythical figures, illuminated by lanterns, and paraded through the streets with energetic drumming and dancing.

Aomori Prefecture offers a compelling blend of natural beauty, historical significance, and cultural richness. From its delectable apples and captivating festivals to its majestic mountains and serene landscapes, Aomori promises an unforgettable experience for any visitor.

Top Places to Visit in Aomori Prefecture

Nagoya Castle


Known for its annual illuminated float festival.

Inuyama Castle


Home to one of the few flatland castles in Japan.

Inuyama Castle


Best known for its lake and autumn foliage.

Shirakami Sanchi


Home to the largest virgin beech forest in East Asia.       



Axe-shaped peninsula with a mountain of spiritual significance.