
Aichi Prefecture, situated in the heart of Japan’s Honshu Island, pulsates with a vibrant blend of innovation and tradition. Home to the bustling metropolis of Nagoya, the nation’s fourth largest city, Aichi is a pivotal player in Japan’s economic landscape.

Beyond its urban center, Aichi boasts a rich cultural heritage. The revered Atsuta Shrine, a Shinto pilgrimage site, reflects the region’s deep-rooted spiritual traditions. History buffs can delve into the past at the majestic Nagoya Castle, a 17th-century fortress, or explore the legacy of the Tokugawa Shogunate, which shaped Japan’s feudal era.

Aichi is synonymous with Japan’s automotive prowess. The global giant, Toyota Motor Corporation, calls Aichi home, and the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology offers a fascinating glimpse into the evolution of the industry.

Lush landscapes, including the scenic Kōrankei gorge and the serene Irago Cape, provide a haven for nature lovers. The prefecture also fosters a thriving artistic spirit, evident in its renowned ceramics and exquisite textiles.

Aichi Prefecture presents a captivating tapestry, where cutting-edge advancements seamlessly intertwine with time-honored traditions. It’s a place where history whispers from ancient castles, innovation hums through factories, and nature’s beauty unfolds in every breath.

Top Places to Visit in Aichi

Nagoya Castle


The fourth largest city in Japan, offering a unique blend of historical charm and modern vibrancy.

Inuyama Castle


Nestled along the tranquil Kiso River in Aichi Prefecture, Inuyama offers respite from the urban bustle of Japan.